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Infant and toddler healthcare

Release Date

The aim of childcare is to promote the health, well-being and development of young children through regular health check-ups as well as offer support and education for their families. Emphasis is placed on supporting the family. Children's development is monitored from birth to elementary school age.

Nurses and doctors at health care units take care of check-ups for young and small children. The work is carried out according to the guidelines of the Development Center of Icelandic Health Care and the Directorate of Health.

Home visits and clinic visits

Infant and toddler care is available to all parents free of charge. Parents of newborn babies are offered home visits for the first few weeks and then come to the clinic with the baby for check-ups. In the home visits, the nurse examines the child, assesses its development, weight and head circumference. Parents receive advice and education about the care of the child and their own well-being.

When the child is six weeks old, there is a medical examination at a health center and at the age of three months vaccinations begin. The last examination is at 4 years old in the health center and after that the Health protection of primary school children takes over. Conventional vaccinations are carried out according to the instructions of the Chief Epidemiologist at the Directorate of Health.

To book an appointment, call the registered health center. You can register or change health care center at sjukra.is
Parents are welcome to contact the nurses in the care of young and small children about these scheduled examinations.

National Childhood Vaccination.

Further information about general vaccination of children in Iceland can be found in the booklet Information about Childhood Vaccinations for Parents and Relatives.