The Directorate of Health decides the vaccination schedule for children each year. The list includes the names of the vaccines and the diseases they are used for. Due to excellent participation of the population in vaccinations, it has not been considered necessary to make vaccination mandatory. Vaccinations for children who are legally resident in Iceland are free of charge to their guardians. Special vaccinations, which are undertaken as part of official measures against epidemics, are also free of charge to the public.
The diseases that children are vaccinated against all have one thing in common: they can have serious consequences. Vaccinations have reduced the number of cases in this country tremendously. Some of the diseases have not been diagnosed in Iceland for decades. Others are very rare, usually occurring after an unvaccinated person becomes infected abroad. The diseases that children are vaccinated against are:
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
Whooping cough
Meningococcal ACWY